Cardiff and East Wales

Interested in being part of a Coeliac UK local group in Cardiff and East Wales?

Coeliac UK are looking for committee members to join Local Voluntary Groups in the Cardiff and East Wales areas.

We currently have over 60 Local Groups across the UK providing much needed support for those with coeliac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis. Group activities can range from fundraising and food fairs to campaigns, cookery demonstrations and even talks from medical experts. However a Local Group chooses to support those with coeliac disease, we’re here to offer a helping hand. It takes commitment but the rewards are huge. So why not take up the opportunity to develop new skills and find new friends, all while making a difference to the lives of people with coeliac disease in your community?

To register your interest in becoming a Committee Member or for more information, please contact the Cardiff and East Wales Local Voluntary Support Group by email on or by phone on 07456 637446. 

Diddordeb mewn cymryd rhan mewn grŵp cefnogaeth Coeliac UK yng Nghaerdydd a Ddwyrain Cymru?

Mae Coeliac UK yn chwilio am aelodau pwyllgor i ymuno grwpiau cefnogaeth gwirfoddol lleol yn ardaloedd Caerdydd a Ddwyrain Cymru. Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym tua 90 o grwpiau ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig yn darparu cefnogaeth y mae mawr ei angen i rai gyda chlefyd coeliag a dermatitis herpetiformis. Gall gweithgareddau grŵp amrywio o godi arian a ffeiriau bwyd i ymgyrchoedd, arddangosiadau coginio a hyd yn oed sgyrsiau gan arbenigwyr meddygol. Sut bynnag mae grŵp lleol yn dewis cefnogi’r rhai gyda chlefyd coeliag, rydym yma i gynnig help llaw. Mae’n galw am ymroddiad ond mae’r enillion yn sylweddol. Felly beth am fanteisio ar y cyfle i ddatblygu sgiliau newydd a chwilio am ffrindiau newydd, oll tra’n gwneud gwahaniaeth i fywydau pobl gyda chlefyd coeliag yn eich cymuned?

I gofrestru eich diddordeb mewn dod yn aelod o’r pwyllgor neu am ragor o wybodaeth, gallwch gysylltu â Grwp Cefnogaeth Caerdydd a Ddwyrain Cymru trwy e-bost ar neu dros y ffôn ar 07456 637446.

Local venues

This is a map of GF (gluten-free) accredited venues and standard listings which have been recommended by our Members or the venue directly. The GfG (Gluten-free Guarantee) approved pin is used to show supermarkets that have signed up to the GfG.

Lat = 51.47952, Long = -3.176109 Please enable javascript to see the dynamic map of results.