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Allergy Alert - RS UK Foods Ltd Mazza tinned sweet products recalled

17 March 2014

Allergy alert Mazza tinned sweet products recalled

Coeliac UK speaking at industry event on new allergen legislation

3 March 2014

Coeliac UK speaking at industry event on new allergen legislation

Press coverage on coeliac disease and the gluten-free diet

28 February 2014

Press coverage on coeliac disease, the gluten-free diet and our training

Providing pharmacists and healthcare professionals with information

26 February 2014

Providing pharmacists and healthcare professionals with information on coeliac disease

Allergy Alert - Tesco Free From Digestive Biscuits

21 February 2014

Allergy Alert - Tesco Free From Digestive Biscuits

Coeliac UK training the food industry – Dorset course

11 February 2014

We work to make sure you have a gluten-free option wherever you go and we offer catering courses to the food industry to help them serve you better.

Food Alert - Goupie chocolate products withdrawn

5 February 2014

Goupie is withdrawing some of their chocolate products because they contain barley and/or milk which are not mentioned in the allergen information on the product lab...

Online Q&A session with BBC Good Food Magazine

21 January 2014

We have been invited to participate in an online Q&A session with BBC Good Food Magazine this Thursday alongside Diabetes UK and the British Heart Foundation.

Gluten-free prescribing in Oxfordshire

24 December 2013

Oxfordshire CCG revises policy for gluten-free prescribing, effective from January 2014.