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Christmas Cards 2019

25 November 2019

Our 2019 Christmas Cards are available for you in our online shop!

One month to go – Are you ready?

25 November 2019

We’re now officially on the countdown to Christmas and we want to make sure you’re ready to celebrate in gluten free style!

Christmas food list 2019 available now

1 November 2019

Our 2019 Christmas food list is available to download now

100 days at Coeliac UK – Hilary Croft, CEO

18 October 2019

Hilary Croft was interviewed about her first 100 days as the new CEO of Coeliac UK and her transition in to this new role.

Gluten Free prescribing consultation by NHS Buckinghamshire CCG

17 October 2019

NHS Buckinghamshire clinical commissioning group (CCG) have launched a consultation on proposed changes to gluten free prescribing. The CCG are asking local people t...

Volunteers' Conference 2019

2 October 2019

Coeliac UK’s Volunteers’ Conference 2019 took place on Saturday 28 September and was a huge success!

Our Chief Executive elected to the Board of the AOECS

1 October 2019

Hilary Croft is elected to the Board of Association of European Coeliac Societies (AOECS), the umbrella organisation of European coeliac societies.

Genetic testing removed from guidelines for diagnosis of CD in children

19 September 2019

European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) revised guidelines for the diagnosis of coeliac disease in children have been pu...

Urging government to include gluten free flour in consultation

17 September 2019

We have urged the government to include people following a gluten free diet in the consultation on the possible mandatory fortification of flour with folic acid.