Past research
- Psychological support for children and young people with coeliac disease
- Development and validation of a minimally invasive comprehensive diagnostic coeliac disease test
- Protein ingredients from UK crops as a source of gluten like functionality
- Using software to improve the long-term management of people affected by coeliac disease
- A study to compare group versus individual dietetic intervention in patients with newly diagnosed coeliac disease
- Neurological manifestations in people with coeliac disease
- Understanding why some patients with coeliac disease don’t feel better despite being on a gluten free diet
- Investigating the relationship between the immune system and coeliac disease; a greater understanding towards possible prevention strategies or new target areas for personal treatment
- Can a blood test identify people who cannot tolerate oats?
- Patients’ and healthcare professionals’ perspectives on the reasons for long term follow up of coeliac disease and the manner it should take
- The humanistic and economic burden of coeliac disease in the UK; a follow up study
- Catering research – providing information for caterers to produce safe gluten free meals
- The genetic basis of coeliac disease
- Contemporary epidemiology of coeliac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis in the United Kingdom
- An artificial intelligence solution for diagnosis and assessment of small intestinal biopsies in suspected or known coeliac disease