Research Conference 2025

Come and join us at Coeliac UK's Research Conference: Coeliac disease; is it a public health issue?, Thursday 19 June 2025

Professor David Sanders, Chair of our Health Advisory Council and Consultant Gastroenterologist, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield will be once again chairing the event.

The draft programme:

  • Global prevalence of CD and underdiagnosis; Is screening the answer? Prof Carlo Catassi
  • The no biopsy diagnosis; are there any pitfalls? Dr Mohamed Shiha
  • Coeliac disease, mental health and wellbeing. Dr Rose-Marie Satherley
  • Ongoing gut inflammation; a proteomic insight. Dr Jorunn Stamnaes
  • The gluten free diet; what does this mean? Alessandra Costigliola
  • Does the gut microbiome hold the answer to ongoing symptoms? Dr Fred Warren
  • What does the future hold?; Potential new therapeutics TBC
  • Clinical Champions make all the difference. Dr Helen and Dr Peter Gillett
  • Is coeliac disease a public health issue? Panel discussion

The panel discussion will provide an opportunity to engage in the question of whether coeliac disease is a public health issue. The panel will include healthcare professionals with expert knowledge of coeliac disease alongside patients. We need you to bring your views and experience too!    

We encourage dietitians, other healthcare professionals and researchers who have a special interest in coeliac disease, to attend the conference which provides an opportunity for continuing professional development and networking. We are returning to our first in person conference since the pandemic and we really hope you will join us!


10:00 to 16:40, Thursday 19 June 2025 


Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE  

How much? 

The event is free to attend for those who meet the required delegate criteria above.

I would like to attend:

Demand is high and we have limited places. To register your interest in attending the conference please click the button below. 

Register your interest here