West Sussex

Thank you for taking the time to look at our local pages and hope some of our events may be of interest and help, please have a look at the Events page for details.

The Group holds events throughout West Sussex to enable members to have the opportunity to meet others and share tips and information. In choosing a venue we endeavour to make sure that Gluten Free refreshments will be available and possible cross-contamination is avoided.

The West Sussex Coeliac Group is self funding, run by a Committee of volunteers who are coeliacs themselves or relatives of coeliacs. We send out Newsletters twice a year.

To contact the Local Group please email westsussex@coeliac.org.uk.

We have a Facebook page - West Sussex Coeliac UK

You can also follow us on Twitter - @CoeliacWSussex

Local venues

This is a map of GF (gluten-free) accredited venues and standard listings which have been recommended by our Members or the venue directly. The GfG (Gluten-free Guarantee) approved pin is used to show supermarkets that have signed up to the GfG.

Lat = 50.82217, Long = -0.14009 Please enable javascript to see the dynamic map of results.