2015 Group AGM minutes

Trent Group, Coeliac UK

Minutes of the fourteenth AGM held 16th May 2015


Committee members Jenny Richardson, Tony Harris, Mandy McGreal, Mike Lewis, Christine Lewis,


Also present 30 members of the group, 20 guests, plus Mary Jo Harris, Mark Richardson and 3 members of Chris Salt's family who helped behind the scene with the demonstration


Apologies: received from committee members Joyce Walker and from group members Paul Gardener


Minutes of the previous AGM held on 17th May 2014were available for all members to read. Proposed as a true record of the meeting by Jill Harris and seconded by Lee Bannister.


Group organisers report Jenny welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending.  She read out her report highlighting the previous twelve months events which included coffee mornings in Mickleover, Abbots Bromley and a local cafe; the cookery demonstration by Glebe Farm was a highlight of last years AGM and the walk around Melbourne was well received with a thoroughly enjoyable meal afterwards.  The one disappointment was the mini food fair in Ashbourne where the group was let down by several manufacturers despite numerous communications from our Group Organiser. 


Events the members have enjoyed this year include a coffee morning in Mickleover incorporating some Tai Chi, and a walk around Carsington reservoir followed by a meal;  she announced the groups three forthcoming meetings.  She thanked all members of the committee for their help and apologised if anyone had not received communication from the group; we use Coeliac UK database, so members should contact Coeliac UK to check that their details are up to date.


Finally, she said would like to attend the Volunteers conference in London on behalf of the group, but travel is quite expensive.   Head Office say that group funds should be used for travel expenses; none of the committee claim travel,


Treasurer’s report The balance sheet for 2014--2015 was presented.  The closing balance was £839.64, with two cheques valued at £42 awaiting encashment; an increase of £214 over the last year.   Main expenses are the hire of venues, refreshments and postage although the group still have sufficient postage stamps for at least two more mailings.  Main receipts are from coffee monies and raffles with £25 in donations.  The report was proposed by Mandy McGreal, seconded by Irene Mann and agreed by the meeting


Election of new committee The current committee all stood down and were all re-elected en-masse.  Proposed by Gordon Olivant, seconded by Sheila Smith.


AOB Jenny advised the group of a new product in Tesco – Silly Yak, a ready made chilled pastry, but this may be withdrawn because of poor sales, even though it has only been in store for 2 weeks.


Jenny reported that she had been interviewed by the Burton Mail and the cutting was available for the meeting to peruse.


Mike Lewis proposed that Jenny should be funded to travel to the supporters conference in London; this was approved unanimously by the meeting.


Date of next AGM 

Saturday 14th May 2016.  Tutbury Village Hall, request for a cookery demonstration by Glebe Farm


The meeting then closed and all attendees enjoyed a cookery demonstration from Chris Salt from Juvela, ably assisted by members of her family, followed by the opportunity to sample the food prepared in the demonstration.