Bury St Edmunds
Welcome to our Local Group which covers an area of approx 15/20 mile radius around Bury St Edmunds - from Thetford in the North to Sudbury in the South, Newmarket in the West to Stowmarket in the East.
We are very active and keen to help the newly diagnosed as well as raise awareness locally.
We distribute a newsletter four times a year and meet four times a year - more if it can be arranged. Copies of recent issues can be found in the documents section where you can also find dates of future group meetings, which you are most welcome to attend.
For more information please contact the Group Organiser, Jane Mitton by emailing burystedmunds@coeliac.org.uk.
Local venues
This is a map of GF (gluten-free) accredited venues and standard listings which have been recommended by our Members or the venue directly. The GfG (Gluten-free Guarantee) approved pin is used to show supermarkets that have signed up to the GfG.