10 Store Cupboard Recipes
Create breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks with the 10 best recipes based on store cupboard ingredients from the home of gluten free recipes.
Fun to make with the kids and a great source of fibre. We've got three different flavours but if you don't have all the ingredients try it simply salted or sweetened.
It's important to get a good amount of fruit and vegetables in your diet, this is a great way to sneak some in. Using a store cupboard curry paste and rice, you can go freestyle with what you pop in your curry. Any vegetables that are nearing the end of their life? Or that can of sweetcorn that's been at the back of the cupboard will do just fine.
3. Banana and Cocoa Porridge
Make breakfast interesting with a winning combination of banana and chocolate. Don't have any fresh bananas? Swap them out for either dried bananas, raisins or nuts or anything that you can forage in your cupboards!.
4. Shortbread
Fancy something sweet? Just 5 ingredients are needed for this crumbly and buttery shortbread. Have some poppy seeds in your cupboard? Add a tablespoon with zest from half a lemon and you've got a yummy biscuit to go with a cuppa.
5. Pancakes
We know Shrove Tuesday has just passed, but pancakes use basic store cupboard ingredients and they can be topped with sweet and savoury toppings making them ideal for breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert!
6. Shakshuka
Shakshuka can be eaten for breakfast or lunch and this one has baked beans to utilise store cupboard ingredients for extra tomato-y flavour and fibre. The fresh herbs are not essential so if you don't have it, it will still taste delicious.
7. Chewy Gluten Free Cookies
These cookies will last up to a week in a sealed container though we don't think they would last that long as they are just too tasty!
8. Risotto
The majority of the ingredients are store cupboard items, if you can't find tinned cherry tomatoes either swap them out for fresh or tinned chopped or plum. If using tinned, add a tsp of sugar.
9. Date Milkshake
This recipe has three ingredients. It is a neat way to get some added increased calcium and fibre in your diet. If you don't have fresh milk you can use UHT or make up some milk from powder according to pack instructions, this will make it slightly sweeter. Chill before drinking.
10. Homemade Baked Beans
Can't find baked beans in the shops? Try making your own with our easy recipe, we have used butter beans but you can use any canned beans or dried beans that have been correctly prepared following pack instructions. Pile high on toast for a substantial lunch.
Got some store cupboard recipes for us? Share them on social or take a look at the 100's of recipes that we have on the home of gluten free recipes.