Dr Maria Ines Pinto-Sanchez  Association between Inflammatory Bowel Disease and coeliac disease 

The association between coeliac disease and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has been extensively investigated with controversial results. Data pooled in a recently published meta-analysis found a 10-fold increased risk of IBD in patients with coeliac disease and 4-fold increased risk of coeliac disease in patients with IBD, compared with other patient populations. In this talk, Dr Pinto-Sanchez will review similarities and differences between IBD and coeliac disease and explore whether IBD should be detected in people with coeliac disease and vice versa.  


Maria InesMD, MSc, CNSC 
Assistant Professor, Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine 
Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute 
McMaster University Medical Centre 
Dr. Pinto-Sanchez is a Gastroenterologist and Nutrition specialist. She is the director of the Adult Celiac Clinic at the Gastroenterology Division at McMaster University. Her clinical and research interest include the diagnosis and treatment of different gastrointestinal conditions with a focus on coeliac disease and gluten related disorders.