Join the fight to keep people with coeliac disease safe

With the festive period approaching, we know how much added stress it can bring for those with coeliac disease. It’s meant to be a time of fun and socialising, but there’s a lot to navigate when your treatment is a strict gluten free diet. And it’s not just at Christmas either. All year round, it’s hard for people with coeliac disease to get the food they need to stay well. That’s why we campaign so hard to help people feel safe and well every day of the year.  


Our Head of Advocacy, Tristan Humphreys explains:

"We’re hammering home the message that coeliac disease is a serious autoimmune disease which needs serious attention. And next year, we want to secure more firm commitments from major players that help people with coeliac disease stay safe, but we need your help. 

"With your support my colleagues and I will be able to spend every day standing up for the rights of people with coeliac disease. Talking to health commissioners and UK parliaments, food manufacturers and retailers – major players who have the power to change lives.

"It’s completely unacceptable that so many people struggle to access the gluten free food they need to stay well.  

"Earlier this year, we launched our second cost of living report, and the results were shocking. It revealed the cheapest gluten free loaf of bread is 6.1 times more expensive than regular bread. Almost 8 in 10 people struggled to afford gluten free products. And the weekly food shop can be as much as 35% more expensive. 

"This means some people with coeliac disease are forced to eat gluten and can suffer awful symptoms, while also being put at risk of complications like osteoporosis and in rare cases, small bowel cancer. In England alone, there’s been a 70% reduction in gluten free food on prescription, so we’re fighting hard to stop this cruel postcode lottery.

"Right now, we are looking to next year and there is so much still to do.  And that’s why as the year draws to a close, I’m asking you to support our work today with a donation - anything you can give this Christmas will help more people stay safe now and in the future."