Questions related to: What happens if someone with coeliac disease eats gluten by mistake?

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How do I join?

Joining is easy. Simply go to and complete the join form. You will be asked for your professional registration number and other details regarding your profession. Once you’ve completed and submitted the join form you’ll receive an email to activate your online account. You’ll have access to our exclusive HCP web pages and be able to update your personal online scrapbook with all the pages and documents that you find the most useful.

How common is coeliac disease?

It is thought that one in 100 people in the UK has coeliac disease but only 36% of these people are diagnosed. We estimate there are nearly half a million people who have coeliac disease but aren’t yet diagnosed.

Do you have to be a Healthcare Professional join as an HCP Member?

Yes you do need to be a Healthcare Professional to join as an HCP Member. You must register with a valid email address, your professional registration number and a work address for validation purposes.

What does 'gluten-free' really mean?

The term 'gluten-free' implies no gluten, but in practice it is not possible to test for a zero level of gluten. Research has shown that people with coeliac disease are able to safely tolerate a very small amount of gluten. As a result low levels of gluten are allowed in products that are labelled gluten-free. When you see the term gluten-free this means that the food contains no more than 20 parts per million (ppm) gluten.

Why have you changed the offering?

We have reviewed other professional networks and offerings and have redeveloped the information we provide HCPs so there is a clear distinction between free of charge professional resources and the Coeliac UK services we provide within a paid for Membership scheme.

I don’t have diarrhoea as a symptom, does that mean I don’t have coeliac disease?

Coeliac disease is known as a 'multi system' disorder' - symptoms can affect any area of the body. Symptoms differ between individuals in terms of type and severity.

What information is available to increase my knowledge and skills on supporting people with coeliac disease?

Information on training opportunities and resources is available on our website. You can also join Coeliac UK as a healthcare professional member to keep up to date on the latest developments on coeliac disease.

I was previously a HCP Member, will I automatically be included in the Network?

Previous Members have been sent communications over the last few months to join the Network. However if you missed out on these please log in online using your email address and password and you will be directed to a form to renew your Membership.

Are there any incentives for pharmacists taking part in the Community pharmacy supply of gluten-free foods scheme?

Introducing a pharmacy led supply scheme allows better stock control of gluten-free foods for pharmacists as well as providing a more flexible service to improve the patient experience.

Pharmacists and GP dispensaries are paid a service charge at six monthly intervals for each patient who accesses the service. When the scheme in Northamptonshire was introduced it was run as an Enhanced Service with funding for this element of the contract coming from Primary Care Contracting budgets.


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