Happy New Year to all our members!
We have had two events recently that we thought you’d like to hear about. The first was our Children’s Christmas Party at the end of November when 32 children plus their parents got together at Brookvale Village Hall in Basingstoke to enjoy games, an entertainer and gluten free party food. The children were delighted to discover that they could eat everything – unlike their usual experience of going to parties!

The second event was a Christmas Dinner in the restaurant run by the catering department at Basingstoke College of Technology (BCOT) at the beginning of December. 34 of us enjoyed a completely gluten free dinner of excellent quality – and because we were a large group the tutor decided to make the whole kitchen gluten free that evening to avoid the risk of cross contamination. The restaurant at BCOT is open to the public during term times a few days each week for lunch or dinner. It’s well worth checking it out.

Coffee Mornings
We had our first coffee morning of 2024 on 13th January. Around 18 of us got together at Waitrose café, a mix of regular members and some newly diagnosed who were glad of the opportunity to talk to people who understand the challenges of the gluten free journey.
Here are the dates for the next few coffee mornings. All are at Waitrose café in Basingstoke, from 10.30 – 12.
- Wednesday 14th February
- Saturday 23rd March
- Saturday 20th April (this will include a short AGM – more details later)
- Wednesday 22nd May
We hope to see you at any, or all, of these.
Children’s Events
Gemma is planning a variety of events for the children and she will be in touch with parents shortly. If you are the parent of a coeliac child and would like to know more about these activities, please email us.
Request from one of our members
One of our members is looking for a venue in our area that can host a training event for 20 people and can cater for coeliacs. If you know of anywhere that you can recommend please email us.
Recommended Restaurants
On the North Hampshire page of the Coeliac UK website there is a map showing recommended restaurants https://www.coeliac.org.uk/local-groups/north-hampshire/
We would like to update this information and make a new list of restaurants our members have visited and would recommend. This would be helpful to all our members, but particularly those who are newly diagnosed and are finding it challenging knowing where it is safe to eat. If you have a favourite place to eat locally or a bit further afield please email us with the details so we can include your recommendations.
Ideas for other events
We are considering organising an afternoon tea in the summer if there is enough interest. Please let us know if you would be interested in joining us for this, and also any venues that you would recommend.
If you have any ideas for other events you’d like us to organise please contact us, but remember we are a small group of volunteers with limited time! Thank you to those who have already made some suggestions.
Farewell and Thank you!
After several years of being our treasurer, and faithfully and patiently guiding us through all financial matters, Tom Gardner is stepping down. We want to express our great appreciation for all he has done for the group over the years. Thank you, Tom!
We always like to hear from members, so please feel free to email us at northhampshire@coeliac.org.uk and check out the North Hampshire page on the Coeliac UK website to keep up to date with what’s happening locally.
Best wishes for 2024
Carol, Faye, Keith, Gemma, Lesley, Sue and Margaret