May 2022 - 5/22

Coeliac - Somerset

AGM Update

A little reminder that our AGM is coming soon on Saturday 25th June from 2 pm to 4 pm at Long Sutton Village Hall. If you would like to attend please can you email us.

Also cream teas are available but must be preordered and prepaid at £6 per person. Please email us to book by Friday 27th May.

We will also be holding the meeting virtually online on Zoom (technology permitting). Please email us to be sent the link.

Wendy Hughes has decided to step down as our organiser. However will stay to be re-elected if no one else steps forward before the AGM, in to order to keep the group going, (if voted to do so at the AGM). However if anyone would like to stand as organiser, secretary or treasurer please put your name forward to the committee before the AGM. If you would like to know more about the roles, please get in touch. 

Members, must also be members of Coeliac UK, can vote for AGM by either being at the event or by Zoom.

Looking forward to seeing you soon

Wendy, Anika, Richard and Denise

Our email address: