June 2024 - Coeliac event reminder


Join us at California Country Park this Saturday!

The summer sunshine has well and truly arrived this week with the hottest day of the year recorded! Fortunately the temperature is forecast to have cooled down by the weekend to a more pleasant 23 deg, which is perfect for our North Hants coeliac family meet up taking place on Saturday from 10.30 at California Country Park.

Our family events are relaxed meet ups with all the family (including non-coeliac siblings) to give the children an opportunity to play together and make new friends whilst the parents have a natter.  The loose plan is to base ourselves near the park, so the children can play, then perhaps go for a leisurely walk around the lake before having a picnic.

Please email us at NorthHampshire@coeliac.org.uk if you are planning to join us so I can send you details of where we shall be meeting on the day.  

If you haven’t been there before, we would suggest parking in the car park next to the café (it’s the furthest car park from the entrance).  Parking charges apply, but otherwise entrance to the park is free.  Details on the park can be found here https://www.wokinghamcountryside.co.uk/california-country-park.


Youth coordinator