Last chance to sign up to our special coffee morning!
Dear member
We look forward to welcoming you to our special coffee morning this Saturday! Many thanks to those who have already registered with us. If you would like to come along but haven’t yet emailed us, please can we ask that you do so ASAP so that you don’t miss out on refreshments and we can check we have enough members attending for our first AGM to go ahead.
We have hired a spacious hall in central Basingstoke, so there is plenty of room for adults to chat with other coeliac members and for our younger members to take part in games (e.g. Twister, Guess Who, Pop up Pirate) with other children. Refreshments to be provided include the usual tea, coffee and squash, as well as a selection of brownies (triple chocolate, raspberry blondie and chocolate orange amongst other flavours) gifted to us by the local Homemade Brownie Company, biscuits and a limited number of snacks provided by Coeliac UK HQ.
Date: Saturday 25 June
Time: 10.00-12.00
Location: Church Cottage, behind St Michael’s Church in central Basingstoke, RG21 7QW (located opposite the M&S in Festival Place)
Parking: Festival Place, Anvil, Churchill Way. Please note the carpark at the hall is for permit holders only.
Please email us at to reserve your place.
We look forward to seeing you there!
North Hampshire Local Group committee
Margaret, Keith, Tom, Gemma, Lesley, Carol and Faye