Details of our next event and how to sign up
Dear member
We have hired a spacious room in the stunning Church Cottage, located in central Basingstoke, for our next coffee morning later this month. The deadline for signing up is fast approaching, so register now if you would like to join us for tea, coffee and squash, with a selection of cakes and biscuits. We also have a limited number of gluten free samples for you to try which have kindly been gifted to us by Coeliac UK HQ and the Homemade Brownie Company has also kindly offered to provide some of their delicious brownies for you to try! In addition to refreshments, for our younger members there will be a variety of board games to play (e.g. Guess Who, Don’t buzz the wire, Twister and more). We can also provide colouring/ wordsearches etc. if anyone requests this when signing up.
We are not in our usual coffee morning location (Waitrose café), due to needing to hold our first AGM, which will take place very briefly at the start of the coffee morning once everyone has arrived. If there is good demand for this event and the venue receives positive feedback, then we will look to revisit for future events.
We ask that you register by Sunday 19 June, so that we can ensure there are enough refreshments for attendees. We look forward to seeing you there.
Date: Saturday 25 June
Time: 10.00-12.00
Location: Church Cottage, behind St Michael’s Church in central Basingstoke, RG21 7QW (located opposite the M&S in Festival Place)
Parking: Festival Place, Anvil or Churchill Way.
For those travelling by public transport, it is walking distance from the train station and bus station.