"Life's dealt you a challenge; a diet to fix"

After his grandson Harry’s diagnosis in 2019, Roger was inspired to put pen to paper. He shares his poem about coeliac disease with us, for World Poetry Day 2021.


“After several months of digestive problems, my grandson Harry was diagnosed with coeliac disease aged 6. Harry’s grandmother had previously been diagnosed some years before, after experiencing symptoms over many years.

“Both my daughter and Harry’s younger brother, Hugo have been tested and fortunately they don’t have the condition. 

“Harry has accepted his new diet in a surprisingly responsible way. After arriving home from seeing the consultant he even made gluten free labels for his items of food. His school has been most understanding and ensures that any food Harry has is gluten free.

“I like writing poetry and wrote this one shortly after his diagnosis. I’m really pleased to be sharing it with our gluten free community on World Poetry Day.”

How do you say....

How do you tell now, a wee lad of six,
"Life's dealt you a challenge; a diet to fix".
"No more can you randomly eat what is there",
"From now on, forever, your in-take needs care".

How do you say, "Why you're feeling not great...
Is cos your wee tummy reacts to what's ate".
"There's something that glues all the stuff that we eat,
That causes wee things in your tum to retreat".

Yes, that's what I'll say, for the moment at least.
And try to explain eating some grains needs ceased.
He'll have to be savvy that some things ain't suitin',
And need to steer clear of all things labelled "Gluten"!

Tell your story like Roger and make a difference

We’re on the lookout for young people with coeliac disease, and their parents or carers to tell their stories for our Awareness Week campaign in May.

By telling your story, you can help us reach more people and create a brighter future for everyone who needs to live gluten free.

If you’d like to take part, visit our case study page to complete our case study form.

Tell your story

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