Hilary’s Veganuary challenge

“I never thought I’d try a vegan diet, but three weeks in and I am loving it!” Hear from Coeliac UK CEO Hilary Croft on her Veganuary journey.

Hilary Croft CEO"This time last year I never would have imagined taking on a Veganuary challenge. I come from a family of committed meat eaters and, although we also eat lots of fruit and veg, I wasn’t really interested in cutting meat out of my diet.

"However, watching the documentary Cowspiracy challenged my thinking. It talks about the negative impact the meat and dairy industry has on the environment and it got me seriously reconsidering the amount of animal products I consume. Not to mention the health benefits of eating less meat and dairy, and more fruit and veg! I decided to give Veganuary a try.

"So ‘how’s it going’ I hear you ask? I’m loving it! I’m happy to say that my long suffering family have also been very pleasantly surprised by the quality and great taste of vegan food. I wasn’t very confident in my vegan cooking skills, so I signed up to a popular online cooking course to help develop my knowledge so I felt more confident and it introduced me to some new ingredients too. Most of the recipes I’ve tried so far are easy to make gluten free which is essential for my 19 year old son James, who has coeliac disease.

"Four weeks in, and I’ve been amazed to see my family choosing my super tasty vegan meals over meat options. Who would have thought it?! Will I make the full vegan commitment after January? I’m not sure, but I can’t imagine ever eating as much meat and dairy again. It’s good to be learning new skills to help make healthy choices during these dark and difficult months.

"Veganuary may be almost over, but it’s never too late to give it a try. You’ll find lots of ideas and so much support out there – including, of course, Coeliac UK’s vegan recipes. Why don’t you try yummy aubergine and tofu satay for a start? You’ve got nothing to lose and you may be just as surprised as I have been about how easy it is, and how good you feel helping the environment and your health at the same time!"

Don’t forget you can filter by dietary preference on our Home of Gluten Free Recipes

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