Yorkshire runner Mark Hanson takes on second marathon for Coeliac UK

22 April 2016

Mark Hanson, aged 41 and from Mirfield in West Yorkshire, will be taking on his second marathon in London this Sunday.

The seasoned runner is looking forward to showing his support for Coeliac UK, who he says offer vital support to his son (diagnosed in December 2014). The diagnosis came as a relief to Mark and his family, who had endured the effects of years of irregular but unexplained illnesses.

Mark cited the support he and his family received from Coeliac UK as the reason for his raising funds, with an aim of £1500. We wish him the very best of luck on Sunday, when he hopes to finish the race in an amazing two and a half hours.

We couldn’t be more grateful for his hard work and support – it’s inspiring efforts like this that really get our message out there. Want to find out what you can do? Get involved with our Awareness Week, taking place from 9-15 May or contact the Fundraising Team at fundraising@coeliac.org.uk

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