Working towards cost effective gluten-free food prescribing in England

1 March 2016

We met with representatives from the British Medical Association (BMA) clinical and prescribing subcommittee in early February to discuss initiatives that will help us to find a cost effective and workable solution to secure gluten-free prescribing services in England.

The BMA has a renewed interest in this issue, as their members passed a motion at their 2015 Annual Conference seeking removal of the requirement for GPs to prescribe of non drug products, appliances and food products, but were keen to stress their continued support for the supply of gluten-free food by the NHS. The BMA agreed that gluten-free prescribing was an important mechanism of support for those with coeliac disease to aid adherence to the gluten-free diet and to prevent long term health complications.

Coeliac UK and the BMA have agreed to seek a new pharmacy led scheme for England, and will be writing to the Minster about the NHS commissioning barriers, which are currently preventing the establishment of a national programme in England. We will also be providing the Minister with evidence of the success of the new pharmacy led Gluten-free Food Service in Scotland.

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