We've changed our look

25 January 2017

As shown on our website, Coeliac UK has changed its public image to convey the breadth of support we can offer for coeliac disease and the gluten free diet, and give more reassurance to people who need our help.

In our discussions with our membership and the broader community it became evident that not enough people are aware of the relationship between gluten free and coeliac disease and the work of the charity to improve things. We also found people needed more reassurance and support for the changes they needed to make and to understand our role in supporting them through that.

We checked this new approach with past and present members and others who might benefit from our support. We had a strong and positive response to our survey so were reassured that this new approach was the best way forward for supporting new and existing members. 

Our new look will also help us build more community recognition and support for our training, accreditation and campaigning work in the gluten free sector to help us continue to drive improvements in the safe delivery of and access to gluten free food. So you will see more of these symbols on our materials and in places where you shop and eat out gluten free: 

Gf, GfG, Crossed Grain logos






We continue to support all people with coeliac disease by striving for improvements in their healthcare experience, help them manage their gluten free diet, and drive research to find new solutions to the problems of living with the condition. We also continually strive for improvements in the gluten free sector to make living gluten free easier. Because we’re an independent charity, we need the support of our members, partners and others in the community to achieve these outcomes. 

To be cost effective, we are applying our new look to new materials and gradually to other materials as we use up and replace existing materials over the course of the year.

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