Taking our prescriptions campaign to the Government

19 June 2017

On Tuesday 20 June we have a meeting with the Department of Health to discuss the consultation which proposes, amongst other options, the possible removal gluten free prescribing across NHS England. The Department is keen to understand the views of Coeliac UK and the community we represent, so we’ll be making the case for gluten free prescribing, especially for the most vulnerable, and to drive the message of the realities of following a strict gluten free diet for life. 

Read more on our prescriptions campaign here: www.coeliac.org.uk/prescriptionscampaign

If you haven’t already responded to the consultation which closes at midday on 22 June, please do so.

You can read our guide on the consultation here: www.coeliac.org.uk/prescriptionsconsultationguide.

If you haven’t already responded to the consultation which closes at midday on 22 June, please do so

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