Statement on NHS England’s Five Year Forward View

31 March 2017

NHS England’s Five Year Forward View means an uncertain time for people with coeliac disease as gluten free prescriptions, amongst other treatments, were announced by the media on Tuesday as a potential place where budget savings could be made by removing the service. 

The official announcement today sets out that the NHS has to make savings and address issues around procurement. This is something the charity has long championed as a way to provide more cost effective treatment for people with coeliac disease. The documents also states that the NHS will ‘work with CCGs, providers, patients and manufacturers to consider other medicines and products of low clinical value, to ensure that NHS funding is used on those things that have the most impact on outcomes for patients.’

As the national charity for people with coeliac disease, Coeliac UK looks forward to the opportunity to engage with the NHS in the consultation process, having already written to the chief executive of NHS England, Simon Stevens, to request a meeting. We will be trying to persuade the NHS to consider alternatives that will deliver cost savings, while providing support for patients with coeliac disease and particularly the most vulnerable, to support dietary adherence and reduce the risk of long term complications which could cost the NHS more in the long run.

We will keep members and supporters updated as and when we hear next steps and do encourage everyone to ask their MP to support the Early Day Motion:

If you’re not sure who your MP is, just visit the website below and enter your postcode. The site will also allow you to generate an email.

In your email to your MP, remember to include:
• that you are writing to ask that they sign the Early Day Motion 1123 on gluten free prescriptions
• why you think access to gluten free food on prescription is important, and the impact that removal of this service would have on you
• your personal details (name, address and email)

Please note that Easter Parliament recess runs from 30 March to 18 April 2017.

For more information about EDMs, including who will not sign them please see:

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