Southend, Castle Point and Rochford CCGs drop in sessions

Southend, Castle Point and Rochford CCGs drop in sessions

14 March 2016

Following the announcement that Southend Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Castle Point and Rochford CCG have launched a joint consultation on gluten-free prescribing, we have been made aware of two local drop in sessions. 

These sessions have been arranged by the CCG to allow local people the opportunity to ask questions about the consultation. Details of the sessions are below:

  • 16 March, 11am
    1pm Valkyrie Surgery
    SS0 8BU

  • 17 March, 2.30pm - 4.30pm
    Audley Mills Education Centre
    SS6 7JF

Get involved

We apologise for the short notice but we were not provided with details of these drop in events by the CCGs and these events were brought to our attention by a Member living in the area. If you can attend one of these sessions, we'd urge you to do so so your voice can be heard.

Complete the online survey - get your voice heard

If you have not yet responded to the consultation, you can complete the online survey or request a paper copy by calling Castle Point and Rochford CCG (01268 46458) or Southend CCG (01702 314299).

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