Personalise our website with your own Scrapbook

Personalise our website with your own Scrapbook

21 March 2014

You can have your own page on our website. Your Scrapbook means you can create an area that holds only the information you’re interested in.

The Scrapbook is a place to add your favourite things from across our website, from web pages, favourite recipes and venues and Food and Drink Directory products.

You can also update your personal details, make decisions on what information you’d like to receive from us, locate your nearest Local Voluntary Support Group and view previous transactions including donations, Membership fee payments and shop purchases.

Begin Scrapbooking your favourite items

To use your Scrapbook, you need to make sure you are logged in to the website. You can log in at the top right hand side of our site with your email address and password.

If you’re new to the site and haven’t logged in before, you’ll first of all need to activate your account. Here’s how to activate your account.

Once logged in, you’ll be ready to add something to your Scrapbook. Simply click the ‘Add to my Scrapbook’ button next to your favourite items.

To visit your Scrapbook, click on the ‘My Scrapbook’ icon at the top right hand side of the website. Here you’ll be able to view, reorder and delete items.

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