Online Q&A session with BBC Good Food Magazine

21 January 2014

We have been invited to participate in an online Q&A session with BBC Good Food Magazine this Thursday at 1pm alongside Diabetes UK and the British Heart Foundation. 

Norma McGough, Head of Policy and Evidence at Coeliac UK will be available to answer your queries on anything related to coeliac disease and the gluten-free diet. Post your questions on the BBC Good Food page here or tweet them at @bbcgoodfood.

We will also be taking part in a mini health road show before the Q&A session from 12.00-12.45pm in the Think Tank at BBC White City where 2000 of their staff members will be able to drop in and ask the experts from the three organisations any questions that they might have.

We will be taking photos of the event so keep an eye out for these on our Facebook and Twitter pages.  

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