North Norfolk CCG to stop all gluten-free food on prescription

1 July 2015

North Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is planning to stop all gluten-free food on prescription from 6 July 2015. We understand the CCG is posting letters to all people with coeliac disease, in the North Norfolk area, highlighting the planned changes. We have also sent correspondence to our Members in the area who will be affected by this policy change to make them aware of the decision.

Increasing access to, and availability of, gluten-free food for people with coeliac disease is one of our key priorities. Research shows gluten-free staple foods in supermarkets are three to four times more expensive than gluten containing equivalents and, contrary to commonly held assumptions, gluten-free staple foods are not readily available to purchase in budget supermarkets and corner shops and therefore it cannot be assumed that all people with coeliac disease will be able to purchase gluten-free in their local shop.

These issues mean that access to prescription gluten-free products is particularly vital for people on low incomes or who cannot access large retail stores which stock staple gluten-free foods. We are therefore extremely disappointed and concerned that the CCG is introducing this policy.

Although we understand the budgetary pressures being faced by the NHS, there are alternative ways where cost savings could be made that would mean support to people with coeliac disease could be maintained. Coeliac UK has already highlighted alternative schemes, such as Pharmacy supply of gluten-free food, as ways of making cost savings without restricting access to gluten-free food on prescription.

We are making strong representations to the CCG on the issue and seeking the support of clinicians in the area.

If you are affected by this decision and want more information you can:

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