NICE Quality Standard on coeliac disease published today

19 October 2016

The first ever Quality Standard on coeliac disease, published today by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE), aims to drive standards in the diagnosis and care of people with coeliac disease. 

The new standard sets out five key areas to improve diagnosis of coeliac disease and ensure that the support of patients with the condition improves their health and quality of life. One of the key themes of the standards is the need to address inequalities that might exist because of a patient’s socioeconomic status, to ensure that those who need help most are being offered it.

Both offering annual review and having access to prescriptions for gluten-free food are noted as important levels of support for people with the condition. In light of 10% of England’s Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) removing gluten-free prescribing as a support for those with the condition, Coeliac UK is writing to all CCGs to make them aware of the new quality standard and to ask how they will plan to meet its criteria.

The Charity played a key role in representing the needs of patients with coeliac disease during the development of the quality standard by making submissions to its consultations. Representatives of the Charity were selected as expert members of the quality standard committee.

Read our press release.

Read the quality standard here:

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