NHS Merton CCG launches review of gluten free prescribing

21 February 2017

We are aware that NHS Merton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) are reviewing their policy on access to gluten free food on prescription and are asking local people for their views at a meeting on 27 February and have launched a survey on gluten free prescribing.

The CCG currently follows the National Prescribing Guidelines and prescribe up to 18 units (depending on age and gender) of gluten free staple foods. However, the CCG is now reviewing its policy on access to gluten free foods on prescription.

Coeliac UK communication with the CCG

We will be responding to the CCG in support of continuing access to gluten free food on prescription. Our arguments will focus on the importance of gluten free staples on prescription to support management and adherence to the gluten free diet in view of cost and availability issues.
Research shows that gluten free staple foods are not readily available to purchase in budget supermarkets and convenience stores and that gluten free staple foods are 3-4 times more expensive than gluten containing equivalents. 

Have your say

The engagement period will run until 20 March 2017.

You can now participate through completing the online survey found at: www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/82QQ7T7

If you are unable to complete the survey online, you can request a paper copy of the survey by calling the CCG on 020 3668 1221.

You can also contact the CCG by email (PPE@mertonccg.nhs.uk) or by writing to Merton CCG, 5th Floor, 120 Broadway, Wimbledon, London, SW19 1RH.

We would also like to remind you that you can also attend the meeting as mentioned above at 10.30am on 27 February at 120 The Broadway, Wimbledon, SW19 1RH.

If you are able to attend the meeting, please call our Helpline on (0333 332 2033) so we can let the CCG know how many people will be attending.

We would also encourage you to write to your local MP, we have a sample letter on our website which you can use, or please feel free to write your own letter explaining how the proposed changes would affect you.

Share your story

As part of our work in opposing prescription cuts, we are looking for people who would be affected by prescription cuts to act as case studies. This will enable us to give examples to the media of how policy changes would affect people with coeliac disease. 

To become a case study or to find out more about interview opportunities please call us on 0333 332 2033.

We will provide updates as the situation progresses through direct mailings, Crossed Grain magazine and on our website.

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