Help us set the priorities for our research

20 June 2017

We need your help identifying our research priorities. We would like to hear about your questions around cause, diagnosis, treatment or management of coeliac disease or an immune condition caused by gluten (eg dermatitis herpetiformis, gluten ataxia).

We have had a good response from patients and parent/carers of patients but for our Priority Setting Partnership to be a success, we need greater engagement with healthcare professionals seeing patients with coeliac disease and your support is needed, please. Simply fill out the 10 minute survey to have your say:

Coeliac UK has teamed up with the James Lind Alliance, experts in PSPs, bringing patients, their carers and healthcare professionals together to agree a top ten list of research priorities. For more information about the PSP, please visit the website:

It’s important that everyone has the opportunity to have their voice heard; no one understands coeliac disease better than those who live with the condition and those who care for them.

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