Gluten-free prescribing restrictions in Ipswich and Suffolk

Gluten-free prescribing restrictions in Ipswich and Suffolk

7 January 2016

We have lobbied and tried to influence the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in this area about the need for gluten-free prescribing, but we’re now seeing restrictive policies coming into place. 

From 15 January Ipswich and East Suffolk CCG will implement a new policy on gluten-free prescribing for people diagnosed with coeliac disease:

  • those under 19 will be eligible for gluten-free prescriptions of 8 units a month of bread, pasta, flour and bread mixes
  • gluten-free prescribing will be halted for those over the age of 19.

From 1 February West Suffolk CCG will implement a new policy on gluten-free prescribing for people diagnosed with coeliac disease:

  • those under 19 will be eligible for gluten-free prescriptions of 8 units a month of bread, pasta, flour and bread mixes
  • gluten-free prescribing will be halted for those over the age of 19.

This is going ahead despite the fact that we strongly made the case for gluten-free prescribing, highlighting the importance of access to gluten-free food on prescription and our concerns about the proposal to remove support for adults. At this meeting we discussed the high cost and variable availability of gluten-free staple foods, the nutritional impact of removing these foods and our concerns that the proposed changes would have the greatest impact on the most vulnerable groups of adults. We will continue to make strong representations to the CCG on the issue and will seek the support of clinicians in the area.  We will be asking the CCG how the impact of the change on the long term health of people with coeliac disease will be monitored.

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