Gluten-free catering training - two course dates confirmed

15 February 2013

Two dates are confirmed for Coeliac UK's signature catering course: Gluten-free food; preparing and delivering safe choices. The course runs for half a day and is aimed at all food service staff from catering managers to chefs to retail and front of house staff.

It equips delegates with the knowledge needed to prepare and deliver gluten-free food, communicate with customers and other staff, storage and sourcing of gluten-free food, how to manage cross contamination and most importantly, the new legislation on gluten-free food and how to work within the law.

The first course will be held on 27 March in High Wycombe, followed by a second date on 22 May in Peterborough and costs £130.00 per delegate.

More information can be found here alternatively please contact

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