Glutafin Gluten Free Wheat Free White and Fibre rolls

21 January 2013

In the last few days we have heard from some Members that they are having problems ordering the Glutafin Gluten Free Wheat Free White and Fibre Rolls and that some GPs and pharmacies have said that they have been discontinued.

It appears that the NHS database was incorrectly showing them as discontinued. This has now been corrected and pharmacists can still order them using the product name and pharmacy ordering codes below.

Glutafin Gluten Free Wheat Free Fibre Roll (PIP code) 344-3652.

Glutafin Gluten Free Wheat Free White Roll (PIP code: 344- 3645)

It is only Glutafin Select White and Brown rolls that have been discontinued.

If you have any queries or your pharmacist cannot order them for you, please call Glutafin direct on 0800 988 2470. 

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