First ever coeliac disease advert aired today

TV ad

7 September 2015

We were very excited to see our first ever advert live on screen on Monday 7 September at 8.35am. It debuted during the advert break on ITV's Good Morning Britain.

The advert is part of our Is it coeliac disease campaign? and aims to find the half a million people living with undiagnosed coeliac disease. Highlighting the symptoms of coeliac disease in a new and interesting way will really help to capture people's attention and help those suffering to seek a diagnosis.

Did you catch the advert?

If you caught the advert live, let us know! Take part in our Advert Selfie competition on social media - take a photo of yourself with the advert in the background and post it on our Facebook wall or tweet us it on Twitter

The advert will air over 500 times this month. Check out the scheduling for this week on the right hand side of the page.

Read more on our campaign

View the advert 

If you didn't manage to catch it live, you can view it below.

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