Fighting for gluten-free prescriptions in Mid Essex

Fighting for gluten-free prescriptions in Mid Essex

6 January 2016

Today we’re fighting for prescriptions to remain available for those with coeliac disease in Mid Essex.

Mid Essex CCG is proposing to remove access to gluten-free food and Coeliac UK's Head of Campaigns Lisa Bainbridge is today attending a meeting of the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee which has a duty to scrutinise proposed changes to local health services.

Today will be an opportunity to make the case for gluten-free prescribing as an essential NHS support for people with coeliac disease, particularly those on fixed and low incomes, the elderly and those with reduced mobility.

We'll keep you updated with any developments, in the meantime you can read more in our briefing document.

Read more on our fight to keep gluten-free food available on prescription for those diagnosed with coeliac disease.

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