Enfield CCG stops gluten-free prescribing

15 February 2016

Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) made the decision to stop the prescribing of gluten-free foods from 12 February, at their board meeting on 10 February.

The CCG held a public consultation at the end of last year which put forward various options including a proposal to stop prescribing of gluten-free foods. Coeliac UK and a significant proportion of local people with coeliac disease (72.9%) submitted a response for keeping gluten-free prescriptions. Thank you to everyone who made their voices heard.

We are contacting Members living in the area directly to inform them of this policy change and advise them on how they can campaign at local level against the removal of access to prescriptions for gluten-free food. We will also be following up with Enfield CCG, HealthWatch and Health and Wellbeing Board and asking the CCG how the impact of the change on the long term health of people with coeliac disease will be monitored. We will keep you updated on any developments.

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