Department of Health consultation on gluten free prescriptions launched


20 April 2017

We have now received the official consultation regarding the future of gluten free prescribing and we will be talking to all of our stakeholders before we respond comprehensively to the consultation. Coeliac UK is looking forward to the opportunity to engage with the NHS in the consultation process, having already written to the chief executive of NHS England, Simon Stevens, to request a meeting to make sure that the needs of patients with coeliac disease are realised and that an equitable solution is found. 

We will be trying to persuade the NHS to consider alternatives that will deliver cost savings, while providing support for patients with coeliac disease and particularly the most vulnerable, to support dietary adherence and reduce the risk of long term complications which could cost the NHS more in the long run.

The official announcement today sets out three options as part of the consultation:

  • option 1- make no changes: Make no changes to the National Health Service 
  • option 2- end prescribing of gluten free foods in primary care
  • option 3- restrict prescribing of gluten free foods: to only allow the prescribing of certain gluten free foods (eg bread and flour) in primary care.

The deadline to respond is 22 June which gives us time to make our case again. You can also respond to the consultation at

We will keep members and supporters updated as the situation progresses on our website and in our email newsletters.

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