Coeliac UK’s Kathryn Miller awarded TalkTalk Healthy Living Digital Hero

Gluten-free on the Move app

29 September 2014

We’re delighted that our Food Policy Lead, Kathryn Miller, has won the Healthy Living Digital Hero Award as part of the TalkTalk Digital Hero Awards 2014. Decided by public vote, the awards recognise those projects that use technology to benefit the community. Kathryn and the team at Coeliac UK were awarded the category prize for developing our smartphone app, Gluten-free on the Move, which helps people with coeliac disease manage their condition while out and about, whether it be finding suitable restaurant venues that cater gluten-free or finding gluten-free products in supermarkets.

The £5,000 category prize money will be put towards app enhancements to continually improve our services to our Members. The awards ceremony for the overall Digital Hero will be held at the end of October where we have the chance to win a further £5,000.

Thanks for all your votes for our app. Find out more on Gluten-free on the Move.

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