Coeliac UK's first ever television advert

Coeliac UK's exciting first ever television advert

28 August 2015

We are incredibly excited to announce that our first ever coeliac disease television advert will be shown on 7 September as part of our Is it coeliac disease? campaign.

Behind the scenes we've been working hard to create the advert which will really help us in our search for the half a million people in the UK living with undiagnosed coeliac disease.

The 30 second advert will show people struggling with diarrhoea, fatigue and stomach pain (which are the most commonly reported symptoms of the condition) and steer them to our online assessment at

Catch the advert

The advert will debut during the commercial break of ITV's Good Morning Britain on Monday 7 September. It will then run for three weeks on the following channels:

  • ITV2
  • 4Music
  • E4
  • Dave
  • Box
  • Comedy Central
  • Sky Atlantic
  • E!
  • Viva
  • Sky1
  • Discovery
  • Sky Sports News
  • History Channel.

The advert will run over 500 times across the three weeks on Freeview and Sky channels.

Spreading the word even further

Once you've caught the advert, let us know! Take part in our Advert Selfie competition on social media - take a photo of yourself with the advert in the background and post it on our Facebook wall or tweet us it on Twitter. Make sure you're sharing it with your friends and family, too.

Read more on our Is it coeliac disease? campaign.

You can read our press release here.

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