Coeliac UK training the food industry – Dorset course

Coeliac UK catering course

11 February 2014

We work to make sure you have a gluten-free option wherever you go and we offer catering courses to the food industry to help them serve you better.

Our next course is being held on 5 March in Dorset and looks at the challenges faced by those with coeliac disease, covering a range of important topics including: 

  • choosing gluten-free ingredients
  • preparing gluten-free food
  • communicating with everyone in the organisation from chefs to waiting staff
  •  labelling and serving food
  • cross contamination
  • and more.

Get your local restaurant involved

If a venue in your area could be doing more to cater for your gluten-free diet, point them in the direction of our course and highlight the need for them to be offering gluten-free on their menu. More details on the course can be found in the Food Industry Professional section of our website.

Catering training in the press

We were pleased to see some press coverage of our upcoming catering training course in Blackmore Vale Magazine.

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