Coeliac disease and gluten sensitivity: a clinical perspective

8 July 2014

We are pleased to announce that we are holding a joint conference with the Academy for Paediatric Gastroenterology on coeliac disease and gluten sensitivity. The event is taking place on 20 November 2014 at the Kennedy Lecture Theatre, University College London Institute of Child Health in London.

The event will include discussion on symptoms, treatment and outcomes, as well as a focus on the future and gluten sensitivity. There are four sessions involving 11 leading UK experts in the field who will be speaking. Find out more on the programme.

Who is the conference for?

This conference is suitable for nurses, dietitians, allied health professionals, general practitioners, paediatricians and gastroenterologists.

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health has approved the event for 5 CPD credits and a certificate of attendance will be provided for all registered delegates.

Registration includes access to all of the sessions, tea and coffee, lunch, course materials and a delegate pack. Register before 19 October 2014 for a reduced price of £30. Register online.

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