Changes to gluten free prescribing policy by Bath&North East Somerset CCG

6 February 2017

The CCG has announced the decision to recommend that GPs only prescribe gluten free foods to the most vulnerable people with coeliac disease as of 1 April 2017. 
We are very disappointed that this decision has been made despite the fact that 63% of respondents disagreed with the proposal to no longer routinely fund prescriptions for gluten free food.

Policy change in Bath and North East Somerset CCG

The CCG will be developing guidance for GPs to identify vulnerable groups and we will be contacting the CCG to understand how they will determine which patients are eligible to continue to receive gluten free food on prescription. The CCG has reported that during the consultation certain vulnerable groups were recognised, including those on low incomes, children and people with learning difficulties whose long-term health may be adversely impacted by the changes.

While the CCG has made this decision, we would like to stress that the final decision about what to prescribe lies with your GP.  We would therefore encourage you to have a discussion with your GP about gluten free food on prescription if you are concerned about the impact this may have on you being able to manage your gluten free diet.

We understand the importance of access to gluten free products on prescription for people with coeliac disease, particularly those on low incomes or those only able to shop in small convenience stores which do not stock staple gluten free foods. We are concerned that the measures taken by the CCG to save money will affect people’s ability to stick to the gluten free diet and in turn increase the likelihood of complications of coeliac disease such as osteoporosis.  As well as the suffering this may cause, it will also cost the NHS more in the long term.

Have your say

If you would like to oppose the prescription cuts, there are several things that you can do:

  • Contact the local Healthwatch by emailing (, calling on 01225 232 401 or writing to Healthwatch Bath and North East Somerset, The Vassall Centre, Gill Ave, Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 2QQ
  • Contact Bath and North East Somerset CCG by emailing (, writing to NHS Bath and North East Somerset CCG, St. Martins Hospital, Clara Cross Lane, Bath, BA2 5RP or calling on 01225 831800
  • Write to your local MP, we have a sample letter on our website which you can use, or please feel free to write your own letter explaining how the changes will affect you
  • Speak with your local GP about your individual case
  • Watch out for more information on next campaign steps particularly on our website

Share your story

As part of our work in opposing prescription cuts, we are looking for people affected by these cuts to act as case studies.  This will enable us to give examples to the media of how this policy change has affected people with coeliac disease. To become a case study or to find out more about interview opportunities please call us on 0333 332 2033.

We will continue to make strong representations to the CCG on the issue and will seek the support of clinicians in the area.  We will be asking the CCG how the impact of the change on the long term health of people with coeliac disease will be monitored.

We will also keep you informed about our campaigns and research and let you know about developments in gluten free prescribing in Crossed Grain magazine, our electronic newsletters and on our website. 

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