Catch our brand new television advert

Catch our brand new television advert

11 September 2015

Our very first television advert highlighting the three most commonly reported symptoms of coeliac disease is being shown on various TV channels this month.

The ad was first broadcast on Monday 7 September and we aim to find the half a million people living with undiagnosed coeliac disease through its new and interesting portrayal of abdominal pain/cramping, diarrhoea and fatigue.


Have you seen the ad?

If you haven't already seen it, view it below now. Download the schedule on the right hand side of the screen to find out when you can next catch it on television. 

Read more on our campaign.

Spread the word and get involved

Coeliac UK TV Advert Selfie competition

Get ready to take a selfie in front of the advert when it's next on television so you can take part in our Advert Selfie competition on Facebook and Twitter.

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