Becky Excell live cook-along 29 May 2024

24 May 2024

We're excited to announce that to celebrate Coeliac Awareness Month our Ambassador, Becky Excell will be going LIVE on our Facebook page on Wednesday 29 May at 6pm.

Becky will be cooking her delicious one tray gluten free pizza buffet. Join us on Facebook and cook-along with Becky at home, here's what you'll need:



  • 200g gluten free self raising flour​ 
  • 210g Greek yoghurt (any thick plain yoghurt is fine)​ 
  • Pinch of xanthan gum​ 
  • 140ml passata ​ 
  • 1 tsp garlic infused oil ​ 
  • 2 tsp dried oregano or mixed herbs​ 
  • Salt and pepper​ 
  • Couple of large handfuls of grated mozzarella (or dairy free alternative)​ 

Toppings: (pick whatever you like!)

  • Pepperoni ​ 
  • Ham and pineapple​ 
  • Brie and grated parmesan​ 


  • Large bowl   
  • Spatula  
  • Spoons   
  • Large baking tray   
  • Rolling pin   
  • Non stick baking paper   
  • Pizza cutter or bread knife  
  • Extra gluten free flour for rolling out  


  1. Preheat the oven to 450°C/ 240C° Fan/Gas Mark 8 or as hot as your oven will go if it won’t reach these temperatures. 
  2. In a large mixing bowl, add the flour and yoghurt (give it a good stir before using). Mix thoroughly using a spatula to ensure there’s no hidden clumps of yoghurt coated flour. As it starts to come together, use your hands to form the mixture into a sticky ball. 
  3. Knead the dough briefly in the bowl until it's smooth, combined and no longer sticky. Dough still too sticky? Add a little more flour to the dough. Dough too dry? Add a little more yoghurt. 
  4. Transfer the dough to a large sheet of non-stick baking paper that’s comfortably larger than your baking tray. 
  5. Lightly flour your rolling pin and roll out the dough to a large rectangle shape, aiming for a 2mm thickness - ensure it’s nice and even and not throughout. Add more flour to your rolling pin as necessary to stop it from sticking. 
  6. Use the baking paper to lift the rolled out dough onto a large baking tray. Form a crust around the dough by folding the dough over at all the edges, then gently press it down. 
  7. To create your pizza sauce, combine all of the ingredients for the sauce in a small bowl. Spread the sauce onto your base, right up to the crust. 
  8. Top with the grated cheese and then add your toppings – you can have a mix of toppings or all the same – it’s your pizza! (For example top the left third of your pizza with pepperoni, the middle third with ham and pineapple and the final third with brie and a sprinkling of parmesan) 
  9. Place into the preheated oven for 12-15 minutes or until the cheese is nicely browned and golden. As the oven is super hot (like a pizza oven would be), make sure you keep an eye on it for the last 5 minutes or so. 
  10. Use the baking paper to lift the pizza onto a flat surface and cut into slices before serving.
Tip: If using a different type of yoghurt that isn’t quite as thick, simply add a little more flour to compensate. 

We’re looking forward to seeing you then!

Plus, there’s still time to get involved with Coeliac Awareness Month, find out more here.  

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