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Christmas cards now available

25 August 2020

Order your Christmas cards from Coeliac UK today.

BBC Radio 4’s interview on new diagnosis guidelines

13 August 2020

Listen again to BBC Radio 4’s Inside Health where Dr Hugo Penny, one of the authors of the new interim guidelines from the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) ...

Healthcare Charity Alliance calls on the Government for support

6 August 2020

In an open letter, six national health charities have called on Government and the private sector for support after losing up to half their income in the wake of the...

Introducing the Coeliac UK Challenge!

29 July 2020

You’re invited to take part in the Coeliac UK Challenge, 19-20 September 2020, and help our gluten free community to virtually travel 1500km – that’s the distance it...

FSA publish new guidance on allergen labelling

9 July 2020

​The FSA have publish new guidance on allergen labelling on prepackaged food to help food businesses to comply with Natasha's Law.

Simpler diagnostic process for adults with suspected coeliac disease

7 July 2020

Some adults with suspected coeliac disease can now be diagnosed based on blood test results alone, cutting out the long wait for an endoscopy with biopsy.

Launching our new strategy

23 June 2020

Thank you to all of those members who attended our first ever virtual AGM. It was great to see the support and interest in the future plans for the Charity.

This BDA week: Supporting dietitians and our community

1 June 2020

It's the British Dietetic Association's annual Dietitians Week from 1-7 June.

It's #volunteersweek!

29 May 2020

1-7 June marks national Volunteers Week, your chance to hear our volunteers' stories and find out more about our volunteering opportunities.