Aged 18 to 30? Join Gluten-free Under Thirties

8 January 2016

Coeliac UK GUTs (Gluten-free Under Thirties) is a new support network providing an important and unique opportunity for Members aged 18 to 30 to connect and share experiences of gluten-free living and coeliac disease.

GUTs will be officially launched on 23 January 2016 at their AGM at the University of Leicester, where there will be interesting talks and election of the new committee. If you are 18 to 30, they would love for you to join them.

The following speakers will be attending:

  • Professor David Pritchard and Research Fellow Vereen Chauhan, University of Nottingham will be speaking about their research and the potential use of hookworm ‘a living drug’ for people with coeliac disease
  • Lisa Bainbridge, Head of Campaigns at Coeliac UK will be presenting on our ‘Is it coeliac disease?’ campaign and discussing exciting future campaign plans.

As well as this, GUTs will be presenting their plans for 2016 and their new committee will be elected. Joining the GUTs committee is a great way to get involved in organising fun gluten-free events, helping out others with coeliac disease and gaining skills for your CV. If you want to find out more just get in contact by email or Facebook, or sign up for the event – all attendees will be sent information about the committee positions available. 

Book your place

The day is free to attend but registration is required and there are limited spaces available, so book your place now.

For more information about GUTs and their AGM, join their Facebook group, visit their webpage or email Féaron, the Group Organiser directly at

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